Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011

Okay, for whatever reason, I cannot switch to Korean in Internet Explorer today.  Figures.  But I'm too tired after "vacation" to reboot and try again.  Please do not take that "vacation" as a negative comment about Korea.  It is a negative comment about "camping."  I have years of experience camping, and while it can be fun sometimes, I generally dislike it.  I like nature--but I prefer to sleep in my own bed, thank you very much.  And a "pension" is really just glorified camping.

However, it was AJ's birthday, and he LOVED it!  He wants to live in the "house with the steps where we eat outside."  HEAVEN FORBID!!!  But I'm glad they had a good time.  I'll post more on the trip at a later date, but in the meantime, here are some of his pictures.

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