Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 21, 2011: 2011년 11월 21일

Yesterday, AJ wrote a song for Daddy that he was too afraid to play on the phone.  It's not uploading after the 3rd try, so I'll try again a little later.

AJ has also left ninja moves on the door to help teach the neighbors:

BJ wrote two books:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20, 2011: 2011년 11월 20일

오늘 애들은 많이 씄어요.

BJ took his dad's advice seriously.  Here is his checklist:
See?  AJ safe-check; Mommy safe-check; No bad guys-BIG X!

AJ has also been doing a lot of making:
Daddy's face

Mommy's face

This molar-shaped object on the front of AJ's  note to Daddy is how AJ makes a heart.

This creature on the back of Daddy's note is AJ's butterfly.

When you open it halfway, you see this, which is a tall, happy Daddy, I think.

And Daddy going down the slide (which is apparently what everybody should want to do in AJ's mind).

We love you, Daddy!  정말로 사랑해!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 17-18, 2011: 2011년 11월 17-18일

Boys warming up at karate.  The last little bit with BJ laying down is a self-made jumping exercise in which one child lays down and the other tries to jump over him while kicking. The teacher put an end to that pretty quickly at this level.

Punching.  BJ sticking out his tongue while he thinks mid-motion.

BJ & AJ at the church's Nerf gun battle (Boys hit targets.  The best team gets the most Nerf darts in the target bags.  There was lots of running and yelling.  They had a BLAST!). BJ is the boy in black at the beginning running away from the camera right in the middle of the frame.  AJ is the screamer who comes running up at the end.

BJ running away again (black blob in the middle of the picture).

Here is AJ also turned and running after someone.

They had SO much fun!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13, 2011: 2011년 11월 13일

So today we were supposed to have a play date, but thanks to the flu, we stayed home.  The boys had an awesome time outside, and even though I told BJ no wrestling because he's been complaining that his leg hurts, both of them still came in covered with grass stains.  I guess boys will be boys!

They are playing Wii and really want Daddy to help them.  I tell them it's time for bed or time to do something else, and they tell me, "Daddy says we're not going to do anything else until we get this!"  I wish they took that attitude with homework, but I'm glad they have such a good memory with Daddy.

Here they are: 

AJ playing Legos.

BJ on the computer

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011: 2011년 11월 11일

오늘 날씨 정말 주워요! 바람 많이 불었어요.  그래서, 얘들아 안에서 놀었어요.

진희가 재미있는 이야기를 말하준다.

마법사 범찬이 (뒤에 있는 젓가락 지팡이가 볼수 있어) 트렌스퍼머랑 놀넜어요.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10, 2011: 2011년 11월 10일

Daddy sent the boys' favorite game, and I finally got it working.

It was hard to pry them away from it to get a proper thank you, but we did get one video.

We love you and miss you, Daddy!

November 8, 2011: 2011년 11월 8일

너무 늦었어 죄송합니다!  어제 밤에 아들랑 자로 갔어요.

진희 범찬의 숙제 요새 입니다.

진희가 아빠 주셨는 목걸이를 착용합니다.
아빠 사랑해 편지 1

아빠 사랑해 편지 2


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011: 2011년 11월 8일

오늘은 카라태 갔어요.  얘들아 <<아빠 저럼>> 운동했잖아요.  진희가 아빠주셨는 목거리 씄어요.





Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7, 2011: 2011년 11월 7일

The little one dreamed that Daddy came home yesterday and woke up so excited.  He was disappointed when a search of the closets did not yield his father.  The big one still struggles at random moments with Daddy's absence.  And yet, we are all trying to do our best so that we are ready when he comes back.  The little one is writing and has finally consented to speak Korean sometimes.  The big one is working on his reading all the time.  He wants Daddy to be so proud of him.  They have karate tomorrow and played a lot of basketball yesterday.  We have a package almost ready to send--mostly candy for cousins, but some other stuff too! ^.~

We miss you!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

2011년 11월 5일

보고 싶다!  사랑해요!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4, 2011: 2011년 11월 4일

The boys played really hard today.  They ran from the instant they got home until it got too dark to see.  By the time we called Daddy, they hardly had their eyes open, although they did try to sound perky for him and BJ even tried to dribble.  He's slowly getting better at it, even though he still dribbles all hunched over and about a foot (25 cm) from the ground!  And he's really self-conscious about it too and won't let me take his picture doing it.

Here are some pictures today with the Halloween candy, though!

Okay, Blogger won't let me add photos today, so I will post them to Facebook.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3, 2011: 2011년 11월 3일

Daddy made the boys' day today when he called.  They didn't talk long, but they were SOOO glad to see him, especially after BJ told his friends he wanted Daddy home NOW.  And they went to sleep perfectly after he hung up--they always sleep well after they hear his voice.

They also joined karate today.  I had looked into a whole mess of things--basketball, hip hop classes, and karate.  But they LOVED karate, and they get more 1-on-1 attention there. 

Here they are in their uniforms:



We love you, Daddy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011: 2011년 11월 2일

얘들 잘 잔다. 어제에 많이 놀았어요.  오늘도 많이 빠밨어요.  빨리 잤어요.  빵 손에 있는 범찬이 자로 갔어요.

진희가 사진 칙기 싫어!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011: 2011년 11월 1일

It's a good thing that people gave us popcorn and pretzels and fruit snacks because AJ didn't want to eat anything that wasn't in the candy bowl this moring.  He spent the whole afternoon wearing old costumes and calling this "The Second Day of Halloween," like "The Twelve Days of Christmas."

BJ, on the other hand, has taken to insulting the kids at school in Korean because he can't get in trouble for that.

Both boys had played so hard yesterday and ran so much today that they were asleep right at 8:00.  In fact, BJ was asleep before I hung up the phone with Daddy.  I think he just needs to hear Daddy's voice at night.  He sometimes doesn't know what he wants to say (and I try to say more here), but he and AJ just love Daddy's voice. 

We love you and hope all is well!